Monique (Mona) Lott, a new commercial pilot, gets caught in a horrendous thunderstorm and barely survives. After landing in Dallas, she is comforted by Will Wright, a young 747 freighter captain.
A few weeks later, Will shows up in a small fighter jet. He gives Mona a demonstration ride that quickly turns erotic and is the start of a continuing romance.
After Mona crash lands in a cornfield and loses her flying license for 6 months ("Man, you make one little mistake, and do they ever let you forget about it!"), Will invites Mona to help his dad run a flying themed

B&B in Napa Valley, CA. Upon arrival, Mona learns that she has a competitor for Will's affections and she also learns that the B&B is about to be forfeited due to years of unpaid property taxes.

During her stay, Will and Mona fall deeper in love and Mona comes up with a strategy to save the B&B from the tax man by converting it into The Red Baron Inn and hosting a "Red Baron's Birthday Festival." The festival is wildly successful, and continuing financial success is assured because the resort begins offering guests the chance to fly (with an instructor) vintage WWI bi-planes in "laser-tag aerial dogfights." It is sold out for months in advance.
Will confides to his dad that he plans to ask Mona to marry him, and while in Singapore, he buys wedding rings; but Will never gets the chance to propose marriage because Mona, with her suspension ended, suddenly leaves for a pilot's job on the East Coast.
The final straw that breaks up the relationship comes when she returns to the Inn unexpectedly one night to find Will in a hot tub with her local rival (not knowing that Will has been drugged and is innocent). In a heartbreaking departure, she leaves him for good and begins a 10 year odyssey of flying jobs around the world.
Years later, Mona and Will happen to meet again in the Austin airport - this time as equals - both professional pilots but both with a rip in their hearts. They see they had a special love, and as they go their separate ways, we get the impression that the romance might not be over after all.
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